ANSI / AWWA D103 Standard GFS Tank Manufacturers and Suppliers
The leader of the water storage solutions is Glass Fused To Steel Tanks. Which are widely used for fire fighting water storage, waste water storage and potable water storage etc.
With more than 10 years of experience in designing, produce and building Glass Fused to Steel tanks, GFS Tanks is India’s largest producer of glass fused to steel tanks.
The Bolted Tanks are up to the new ANSI / AWWA D103, EN ISO 28765 standard, Glass Fused To Steel (GFS). Glass Fused To Steel Tanks is exported to more than 20 countries, including Indonesia, Thailand and Australia, thanks to their excellent quality and competitive price.
- Short construction time – compared with 90 days of concrete tank building, the installation of Glass Fused To Steel tanks takes even less than 15 days.
- Better resistance to corrosion: Our Water Storage Tanks can withstand PH range 1 – 14.
- Our GFS Tank is designed to run over 30 years in the long lifespan.
- The capacity of tanks can be easily expanded: not only can they be easily constructed, but also expandable, removed and reconstructed. Water tanks are very convenient.
- Wonderful look: the glass color fused into the steel tank can be personalized based on Pantone Matching System as requested by the customer.
Our Glass-Fused-To-Steel Technology blends the benefits of both components-STEEL strength , durability and GLASS’s high corrosion resistance. At 1500-1650 deg. F, the glass fused with the steel. become a new material: the completely corrosion-free GLASS-FUSED-TO-STEEL.
We Have Cover Following Markets:
GFS Tanks offering design, manufacture, and supplier of Glass-Fused-to-Steel Tanks and Zincalume Tanks around the Globe and having happy customers spread across:
- USA: Montana, Florida, South Dakota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Alaska Nevada, Texas, etc.
- Europe: Austria, Poland, Monaco, Sweden, Finland, Croatia, Malta, Andorra, Albania, Italy etc.
- Middle East: Jordan, Syria, Kuwait, Oman, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, Cyprus etc.
- Indian Areas: Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, Mumbai, Delhi, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Punjab, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Hyderabad, Telangana etc.
- Others: Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, China etc.